Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

Mengatasi Printer tidak bisa di install ( USB Printer tidak bisa Plug and Play )"the specified port is unknown"

Alhamdulillah.... gw awalin akhirnya gw sekarang bisa ngeprint lagi di OS yang lama setelah cukup lama gw gak bisa ngeprint karna OS gw kena virus.masih inget banget gw nama virus nya win32/Blaster yg tiba2 aje nyerang Lepie kesayangan gw tanpa permisi dulu .... gila bayangin aja orang lagi santai2 browsing + dengerin musik eh tau2 semua aplikasi yang gw buka ketutup sendiri, semua program gak bisa dibuka termasuk tool2 windows semuanya kagak bisa dibuka, icon systry ilang satu persatu berikut pager betis gw juga kebobolan padahal selama ini belum pernah anti virus gw nyampe keok tanpa ada eksekusi dulu dari gw....Wuih... parah banget ngefeknya...
tp Alhadulillaaaaaah bgt ntu virus gak lama nangkring di lepie kesayangan gw.... padahal gw udah scan pake bootable cd antivirus tp se-inget gw gak bisa, ampiiiiiiiiir aje gw putus asa masa si harus di format ulang,, duh....padahal aplikasi gw udah seabrek2....
Bisa2 nya tuh pake kaspersky virus removal tool yang gw jalanin via safe mode alhamdulillah tu virus di babat abis pe ke akar2 nya..... walhasil program kembali bisa dibuka seperti semula n systry ada lagi alhadulillaaaaaaaaaah gak jd di fomat..... tp efek dari tu virus gak selesai di situ ternyata pas gw mau ngeprint tau2 kagak bisa.... waduh napa nih....!!!! pas gw cek ternyata file sistem printer gw rusak ama tu virus n keapus pula ama anti virus gw......kagak bida ngprint dah....
yah......lamaaaaaaaaa gw gak bisa ngeprint ampe gw googling kagak nemu juga cara yang berhasil ngatasin prob. tu.... ampe akhirnya gw mutusin buat di repair aja dah OS nya .... udah gw repair alhamdulillah hasilnya teteeeeeeeeep hahahaha...... tp agak mendingan bisa add printer awalnya gak bisa sama sekali tp  tetep aja kagak bisa plug n play tu printer, komentarnya di wizard pas di colokin printer tuh gini nih "the specified port is unknown" intinya masih blon bisa ngeprint dah,,,, nambah bingung gw, pegangan dah hahaha.....mana udah banyak yang mau di print coba,,,,,duh...... akhirnya solusinya terpaksa gw install 2 OS di lepie gw.... yah gpp dah yang penting bisa ngeprint itung2 buat back up OS gw kalo2 yang satu ada masalah....ya kaya gini contohnya....hem...
nah...............akhirnya gw gak diem tetep gw cari tw gimana caranya, yah itung2 PR bwt gw. Sampe akhirnya gw nemuin cara jitu yang bener2 berhasil ngatasin prob. gw di atas, nih caranya langsung aja ya gw copas artikel nya soalnya gw udah ngantuk udah jam 00.00 wib.  judul artikelnya :  

Fix The Specified Port is Unknown Error for Printers
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Sometimes you come across an error which reads “The specified port is unknown”  when you are doing the installation of a new hardware like printers. It will come up when the installer requests to connect the USB cable to the computer. It will make you quit the installation shortly after with the specified port is unknown error message. Here I took up HP printer and let us see how to come over this problem.
The port will be a USB port and a quick check revealed that there was not a USB0001 port which usually is created when adding a USB printer to the computer system. The printer worked fine on another computer system running Windows Vista Home Premium which confirmed that the printer was working fine and the problem to be located on the first computer system running Windows XP.
In order to fix this error, The first thing that had to be done was to uninstall all leftovers from the installation of the HP printer. This can be done with the HP Scrubber software which should be available on the installation CD. The uninstallation software can also be downloaded directly from the HP website. (It is located in the /ccc/ folder on the disk and can be started by clicking on uninstall.bat)
All leftovers were removed after a reboot which ensured that the next installation would be a clean one. The problem hat to be connected to the USB Monitor. A quick look in the Windows Registry verified that assumption.
Start the Windows Registry Editor with [Windows R], [regedit] and [enter]. Now navigate to the following Registry key:
Check if a subkey with the name USB Monitor exists. If not create it by right-clicking Monitors and selecting New > Key. Name that key USB Monitor.
Now right-click in the right pane and select New > String Value from the menu. Enter Driver as the name. Double-click driver and enter usbmon.dll as the value.
Now restart your computer and perform the printer installation again. The installation should go through without problems now and the error message the specified port is unknown should not appear.

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